ACTApple Polo Shirts

The ACT Apple User Group Polo Shirts were launched at our December Christmas meeting, and are for sale.  Currently in stock are Large and Extra Large sizes, and these shirts can be purchased at General Meetings for only $35.

Other sizes can be ordered also for only $35.

Orders through the website shop will be available shortly.

ACTApple Polo
ACTApple Polo Shirt


Add ACTApple Meetings to your Calendar

If you would like to add the ACTApple events calendar to your own calendar (if it supports the iCal format), then use the url (one line)

So for example, in Apple iCal you use the menu item “Calendar” – “Subscribe” and paste the URL above.

Website – Minor Updates/Outage

We’ve experienced some issues with the website over the last few weeks.  Our ISP made some configuration changes which should hopefully provide better and more consistent performance.

If any pages return an error (especially a 404 message), or you find pages take forever to load, please email

There have also been some little changes, including:

  • Improved viewing on small tablets and smartphones
  • New Google based calendar
