Markzware Presentation
Are you someone who –
– No longer has InDesign, but has a ton of InDesign files or InDesign Template files?
– Has PDFs but not the original documents the PDFs were created from, and would like do something other than just view the PDFs?
– Is interested in the new Affinity Suite of Affinity Publisher, Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo?
Well…you’re in luck – Markzware products are designed to help you work with your InDesign, PDF and Quark files without needing Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat or QuarkXPress even loaded on your computer. But, if you do have these programs loaded you can reap extra benefits depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
We hope you will join the ACT Apple Users Group, with Special Guest Presenter Markzware’s Doug Rosen, for a meeting showcasing products designed to help you free up your existing content and beyond, depending on your workflow and needs.
This Zoom Session will be at our April General Monthly Meeting:
Doug Rosen has been involved in the prepress world since the mid-1980s, when strippers worked at print shops as highly skilled artisans. He started in the graphic arts field as a service engineer and trainer. Later he worked in the trenches for a busy printing company in prepress and training. He has been with Markzware for the past 19 years and is currently a project/product manager.
Website Updates
We recently made some changes to the website to help make access to the latest information updates easier, and also simplified the menus and pages for members only content. If you have any feedback on the changes or have any issues, please let us know via this page.
We are also testing a new membership option to make it easier for our members to access members only information and services. More information on this will be out soon after we complete the first phase of testing.
Calendar of Events & Meetings
You’ve probably seen the list of events on the right side of the website, but it typically just shows the next few.
You can access the calendar of ALL upcoming events if you go to the menu and choose
About Us – Calendar of Events
This will take you to the calendar page here, where you can also choose different layouts, and print a paper copy.
If you would like to add our events to your personal calendar, you can use the iCal feed
Tony (Webmaster)
November Newsletter and Meeting
The November newsletter is now available from the Members Only page here.
A few notes for all…
1. Everyone’s favourite program – email – is in for special attention this week. We’ll be setting up a workshop to help you make sure you’re set up ok, and that you’re getting the most from your email program.
2. Backups workshop
I’ll get details out soon, but we’ll be holding a backups workshop in Canberra on Saturday 28-Nov.
3. ACTApple T-shirts! are available on our website, and have been selling from there also. Yay! High quality t-shirt and ver comfortable fabric with stitched logo (not iron-on), excellent value for money. For our Port Mac members – you’ve got your own “Port Mac” logo.