February Newsletter & Meetings

hi all!
Here we are again, ready for another year of Apple fun 🙂
The February newsletter is now available in the Members section.  Check your email for the new Members section password.

Some excellent suggestions in there for favourite apps (+1 from me for Scanner Pro!), a call for helpers again at the seniors expo (a good time for all last year and I think it’ll be the same this time around too), and another excellent ‘Philosophical Bytes’. Then there’s some discounts if you get the urge to go shopping 🙂 and Pete’s usual great tips.

Some start-of-year things –
Sth coast meetings will be 4 March, 17 June, 16 September and 25 November.
My visits to Port Mac will be 21-Apr, 21-July, 20-Oct.


Frank Pope

December Newsletter & Meetings

hi all!
the BUMPER December newsletter is now available to members here, fittingly it’s all about sharing 🙂
Find out how you can use your tech to organise your Xmas, and we’ve got a bunch of new ebooks to share with members and help you Take Control of your devices (not the other way around!). And don’t forget our special discount code for savings if you choose to buy any ebook from the Take Control website. Details inside.

And yet again Trev fronts up with some excellent tips to make sure you don’t spend Xmas in front of your Mac trying to get it to work!

Then when everyone else is sleeping off lunch, you can tap through Pete’s last bite-sizes for the year and find out why his pages are our most popular. They’ll even tell you what a BitCoin is!

A big EOY thanks to our committee and helpers – Santo for continually excellent newsletters, Pete for his regular Bits and Pieces, Trevor who clearly hasn’t yet figured out how to calculate how much time he spends on user group stuff, Simon who looks after the email help list for us, and the Port Mac crew who just keep ticking over up there. Stay safe over the break and we’ll see you at our Xmas meetings and in the new year.


Frank Pope

November Newsletter and Meetings

hi all!
November newsletter now available for members here.

Excellent newsletter this month, well done Santo, and a pat on the back to those who added some articles for him, making it all even better.

Trevor has been busy hunting down some more e-books for our club library (free to members!!), AND to get you a 30% discount on any others. Excellent! See inside for details.

Renewal time, as you all know. If you’re due then I’ll have already sent you an email. If you didn’t get an email then let me know before you do anything – you may already be ok.


Frank Pope

October Newsletter & Meetings

hi all!
the October newsletter is now available for members.

We have a bit of variety at our meetings this month. iOS 11 has some big changes in it and so we’ll be spending quite a bit of time with it to see what it’s got.

In Canberra we have a very interesting session lined up. The First Nation Peoples, particularly those at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, love apple computers. Alastair, an ACTApple member involved with the embassy, will host a session with the current embassy caretaker, Nioka Coe Craigie, daughter of Billy Craigie to share what they like to do with their Macs and what they would like to do.

After that Tristan will be showing off as many bits of iOS11 as he can pack into an hour. We’ll also aim for a lot of assistance time in the main hall with Mike doing iDevice Q&A and then others giving one-on-one help for those non-iOS11 people.

In Port Mac Julie will be showing off how she used the Notes app when travelling. Notes is a hidden gem across all the Apple devices. I also use it extensively. So come along and find out why. We’ll follow this with a video showing off iOS11. This is an excellent video that has a very straightforward demonstration of the new functions. Neil will also be doing his regular iDevice Q&A.

Then of course we’ve got a whole afternoon in Moruya coming up. It will be good to catch up with everyone again. We’ve not been down there for a few months so we’re expecting lots of activity!

Following on from last month we’ve got lots in the newsletter about security, again! Are we picking up a theme yet? 🙂

So! Lots on again. I hope you all have an enjoyable meeting and we’ll see you soon.


Frank Pope

September Newsletter and AGM

hi all!
the September newsletter is now available for members. Some more excellent articles this month, thanks to all those who sent things in.

It’s AGM time! By now you will have received all the formal documents in the email, please come along and contribute thoughts or actions towards our progress for the next year.

Work has me away this week so I won’t be at the Cbr meeting. I will however be at Port Mac, so I’ll be able to chair the AGM there.

As you might guess from my desktop this month, data security is top-of-mind. Particularly the increasingly loose interpretations of who has a right to our personal data. If you use a computer then you owe it to yourself to have an awareness about the security of your own data and whether you need to do more.

With that in mind my afternoon sessions in Port Mac this month will go into security topics that cover Macs and iDevices. Your Apple ID, 2-factor authentication, and then VPN’s (virtual private networks – especially useful if you’re travelling). Hopefully you’ll find something useful in there. Don’t forget you can come and go to whatever session you like during the afternoon.

A minor alteration to our Cbr schedule has seen Mike Lyons step up to run a round table specifically about using your iDevices. This would be a very handy and informal way for you to get to know your iDevice. Thanks go to Mike for the jumping in from my late request.

Thats all for this month, I hope you all have an enjoyable meeting and we’ll see you soon.


Frank Pope