May 2019 Update

Hi all!
the May issue of the newsletter is now available, a bumper edition this month with a bunch of excellent articles and tons of info. Don’t forget that you can click on the web links in the document – especially useful for Pete’s “Bits and pieces”!

A few reminders…

  1. Canberra meetings are now in the daytime on the 3rd Wed of each month except Jan. The website calendar on the right hand side of the page has all our monthly meeting dates and times.
  2. Port Mac meeting is this Saturday 18-May. I’ll be there and our afternoon session is ‘password management’.
  3. One of our main benefits is our opt-in General Help email list. You can send any mac or i-device question (or even just general discussion) to this list and you will normally get a response from other members within the hour. Your question gets seen by everyone on the list and you will usually get answers from multiple people. Likewise you see everyone else’s questions, giving you a good way to learn from the experience of others. Your email address is distributed with your question, however note that it is not open to the public – only paid-up ACTApple members are on the list.
    Frank Pope