December Christmas Meeting (Canberra)

Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good … afternoon of mingling and nibbles!

ACTApple’s Canberra Christmas Meeting is being held as a face-to-face meeting at the Raiders Club in Weston, on Wednesday 15th December at 12.30pm!

For information on the Club and it’s Covid requirements, please visit their website at:

This will be a social get-together rather than a topical meeting, as a way to bring to a close a couple of very challenging years, with some good company and chit-chat!

Finger-food and basic beverages will be provided, but of course the Club’s Bar is there for those wishing something stronger, perhaps. And we will have a computer linked up via Zoom, for others to just “dial-it-in”. 😉

The Committee is looking forward to seeing you there … or again at our first General Meeting of the new year in February 2022!