Changes to Meetings (Dates, Times, Subjects)

Please see the latest email from our President about changes to meetings times, meeting formats and importantly, how to join the meetings as the joining details have changed!

The website calendar (under “About Us” – “Calendar of Events”) also has the new meetings times.

The main changes are

  • There is one main monthly meeting at 12:30pm every third Wednesday of the month
  • There is one evening meeting at 7:30pm on the first Monday each month “Questions, Tips and How-To’s”

Meetings will continue to be done via Zoom, with joining details sent out each month and also included in the newsletter.

ACTApple Meetings are Going Online!

Temporary Meeting Arrangements

As a result of the Coronavirus situation and government health recommendations, ACTApple will be replacing all of our regular meetings with online webinars.  One advantage is that members, regardless of their location, will be able to join the meetings online – and you can join either the Canberra or Port Macquarie meetings – or both!

Please check your emails for details on how to connect to the webinars.

Meeting times will remain the same – so for dates and times, see our calendar of events here.

September Update – AGM Month!

hi all!

We’re heading into AGM season, please consider whether you can come onto the committee to help us run the club in either Cbr or Port Mac.

  1. Canberra meeting is this Wednesday (18th September) – AGM meeting.
  2. Port Mac next meeting is  21st September, I’m looking forward to another visit and to run the AGM.
  3. South Coast meeting this weekend – Sunday 15th September 1pm at Moruya Golf Club with Trev, myself and Santo.regards
    Frank Pope

July 2019 Update

hi all!
the July issue of the newsletter is now available to members from the Newsletter page .

A few reminders…The committee is still pushing to get more members into show-n-tell sessions. We need people to show others how they use some of their most-used apps. There is ALWAYS something to show that others will not have seen. It’s not about being seen as an expert, it’s about showing others something useful on their device.In the meantime 🙂 …

  1. Did you get Santo’s iMovie workshop in Canberra? If you missed it then feel free to let him know, you may be able to persuade him to do another one.
  2. Have you checked out Garry’s MacYTDL app for downloading videos from websites? Very handy, give it a spin. He’s given you a write-up about it to help you see how useful it can be.
  3. As usual our excellent articles from Martina and Peter.
  4. Canberra meetings are now in the daytime on the 3rd Wed of each month except Jan. Next meeting is 17-July.
  5. Port Mac meeting is Saturday 20-July.
  6. One of our main benefits is our opt-in General Help email list. You can send any mac or i-device question (or even just general discussion) to this list and you will normally get a response from other members within the hour. Your question gets seen by everyone on the list and you will usually get answers from multiple people. Likewise you see everyone else’s questions, giving you a good way to learn from the experience of others. Only paid-up ACTApple members are on the list. Visit for more details and to subscribe.

Enjoy, regards
Frank Pope

June 2019 Update & Newsletter

hi all!
the HUGE BUMPER June issue with lots of member articles is now available to members from the newsletters page. A few reminders…

  1. Did you get Santo’s email about iMovie in Canberra? Be sure to let him know ASAP if you want to join in to make sure we know that we have enough to start.
  2. Check the website calendar for all meeting dates and times.
    – Canberra meetings are now in the daytime on the 3rd Wed of each month except January.
    – Port Mac meeting is this Saturday 15-June
    – Moruya meeting is this Sunday 16-June. HERE WE COME MORUYA!!! Only the 2nd time this year but looking forward to it.
  3. And of course Martina and Pete’s regular excellent contributions again this month. It really does make the newsletter more fun when we get members sending in to increase our variety of articles.
  4. Big thanks to Julie in Port and Geoff in Canberra for doing sessions this month at our meetings. Very handy topics too, details in the newsletter. Don’t forget we need more!! Let me know when you’d like to do something.
  5. One of our main benefits is our opt-in General Help email list. You can send any mac or i-device question (or even just general discussion) to this list and you will normally get a response from other members within the hour. Your question gets seen by everyone on the list and you will usually get answers from multiple people. Likewise you see everyone else’s questions, giving you a good way to learn from the experience of others. Your email address is distributed with your question, however note that it is not open to the public – only paid-up ACTApple members are on the list. Visit for more details and to subscribe.


    Frank Pope